Registration is Live for the Mandatory Lambton Jr. Sting AAA U14 Body Checking Clinic
This Clinic is mandatory for all players intending to tryout for the Lambton Jr. Sting AAA U14 team.
Our Body Checking Clinic this year will be run by Scott Jones and will consist of a Class Session and an Ice Session, both of which require mandatory attendance.
Both sessions will be held Saturday, April 15, 2023 as per the following:
10:00 - 10:30 AM Class Session (PASA Lower Hall)
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Ice (PASA Rink 2)
To register for this Clinic, please visit the Lambton Jr. Sting AAA U14 Body Checking Clinic Registration Form at this link (please only complete this form if the player trying out was born in 2010 (U14):
Click Here for Registration Form