May 06, 2014 | pbrethauer | 3285 views
Annual General Meeting
Lambton County Minor Sports Association held it's annual meeting on Tuesday at the RBC Centre.
At the annual meeting the members approved the adoption of the new Constitution and Election of Board Members.
Returning Board Members include:
President - Mike Kelly
1st Vice President - Derek Rannie
Past President - Dave Shortt
Treasurer - Ryan Trusler
Elected to serve 1 year term on the Board of Directors
Kelly Anne Lemieux - Secretary
Daryl Moore - Policy Director
Glen Hall - 2nd Vice President
Elected to serve 2 year term on the Board of Directors
Brad Drury - Program Development Director
Nate Hickey - Equipment Director
Bob Neelin - Risk Management Director
Craig Moffatt - Fundraising
Pat Brethauer - Public Relations
Elected to serve 2 year term on the Board of Directors as Area Representatives
Kevin Devine - Point Edward (Program Development)
Mike Johnson - Sarnia
Dave Steven - Lambton Shores
Randy Peer - Petrolia
Paul Moffat - East Lambton
Shawn Antosiak - Sarnia
Congratulations to Dawn Vale, mother of Josh Vale of the Major Bantam who won the $500 Commitment fee voucher!