PRIVIT Named ”One of the 20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers for 2015”, News (Lambton Jr. Sting AAA Hockey )


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Oct 05, 2015 | CVallee | 2824 views
PRIVIT Named ”One of the 20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers for 2015”
PRIVIT, Lambton AAA's health record manager was recently named ”One of the 20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers for 2015” by CIO Review magazine.

Click HERE to read the CIO Review article - very informative!

Emco Corporation
944 Leathorne St. London, ON N5Z 3M5 519-686-7340
Harold Marcus Limited
15124 Longwoods Rd Bothwell ON N0P1C0 519-695-3734
Refresh Fuel Sales
189 Capel St. 519-381-1777 Service Station, Car Wash and Convenience Store
Trevor Jamieson Artwork
944 Dagan St., Sarnia, ON, N7S 1Y5 226-402-0283 Trevor Jamieson’s art explores the shared experiences and collective memories of people, places, and times. Frequently his drawings focus on the irrational devotion of sports fandom. Obsessively creating images through meticulous repetition of statistics, Jamieson seeks to express communal stories while questioning how we define people. He is fascinated by numbers and what they can and cannot reveal. Recently Jamieson has turned his attention to hockey. Focusing not on statistics but the sense of place that defines Canada's game. Road maps are used as the surface on which hockey players are drawn. The highways and back roads that stitch together the country appear as scars that tell a shared, Canadian story of vast space and home.
Catalyst Changers
560 Gladwish Dr 519-332-3826