Nov 01, 2015 | A. Addley | 1569 views
On Saturday, December 5th, our Major Midget team will board a bus heading for Adrian College, Michigan for a full day's tour. Adrian College, home of the Bulldogs, is located south of Ann Arbour, MI.
The team will tour the dressing rooms, and do a tour of the college. They are invited to have lunch in the dining hall and will be attending a Bulldogs hockey game at 2:00 pm. After the game our boys will have a chance to meet the players and ask questions. This will give our players a chance to see the college side of hockey. Click BULLDOGS to visit their team's amazing website!
When touring, players may run into Brent Sauve, former Lambton AAA Major Midget ('08/'09) and Legionnaires player (2010-2013). Brent is in his second year at Adrian.