Great Offer For Peewee Teams from Chevrolet Power of Play Hockey, News (Lambton Jr. Sting AAA Hockey )


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Dec 26, 2015 | Web Admin | 2527 views
Great Offer For Peewee Teams from Chevrolet Power of Play Hockey
A great offer from Chevrolet Hockey.......deadline to register, January 31, 2016

Chevrolet Power of Play Hockey starts with each Peewee team receiving a free Chevrolet coach’ s kit. In each kit, coaches will find game pucks, inspirational cases, laces and tape, all featuring words of inspiration from Ryan Smyth, Daniel Brière, Zach Fucale, Tyler McGregor, Natalie Spooner, Caroline Ouellette and our own Tom Renney.

The aim of this kit is to help coaches impart the important values that helped these great Canadians become better people on and off the ice. Every kit is a premium coach’ s hockey bag that comes with 25 pairs of laces, 25 rolls of stick tape, 20 pucks and 20 Most Inspirational Player Awards.

Peewee Coaches, please click Chevrolet Hockey to register your team! Deadline January 31, 2016!

Click More Info to

Chevrolet Power of Play Hockey Program FAQ’s

1)      What is the Chevrolet power of play hockey program?

a.       The Chevrolet power of play hockey program is a brand new grassroots hockey program for Peewee teams that play under the Hockey Canada umbrella. 

2)      What does my team get for signing up?

a.       Each team will receive a premium hockey bag team kit. Inside each team kit there are 25 inspirational skate laces, 25 rolls of inspirational stick tape, 20 pucks, 20 Most Inspirational Player awards and a starter inspirational tape ball - all for free!

3)      Is there any cost associated with signing up for the program?

a.       No. Everything is being given to your team courtesy of Chevrolet, as part of our ongoing effort to be a leading supporter of grassroots hockey in Canada.

4)      What's the difference between inspirational tape and laces and regular tape and laces?

a.       Chevrolet wants to pass along words of inspiration to your team from gold medal winning hockey greats. We've asked our 7 hockey ambassadors to give us one word of inspiration that they lived their life and careers by. We've taken those words and put them on all of our team kit materials, so your team will be constantly reminded what it takes to achieve their dreams. 

5)      Who are the 7 Chevrolet hockey ambassadors, and what role will they play in the program?

a.       We've partnered with some of the best Canadian hockey players and coaches to have ever played Canada’s game. But instead of partnering with the people who scored the most goals or had the most points, we've enlisted the help of quality people who played the game the right way. Our ambassadors are; Ryan Smyth, Daniel Briere, Natalie Spooner, Caroline Ouellette, Tyler McGregor, Zach Fucale and Tom Renney. More information on our ambassadors and the stories behind their words can be found at Additionally, we'll be taking our ambassadors and surprising teams across the country who have signed up for the program. All you need to do is sign-up and your team could be chosen!

6)      What is the Most Inspirational Player award?

a.       The Most Inspiration Player award recognizes and celebrates those actions and behaviors that reflect the values commemorated on the laces and tape in your kit as demonstrated by individual players on your team.  It can be awarded after a game, during or after a practice or even after off-ice team activity.  The award includes a game puck and customized rubber case that goes around the puck and memorializes the inspirational quality that the player displayed to receive the award.  You’ll receive 25 pucks and 20 cases – enough for every player on your team to earn the award at least once during the season and then take it home as a permanent reminder of their exceptional action.

7)      How does the team tape ball contest work?

a.       Taking the starter inspirational tape ball that we've provided to you, your team can add to it to create a team tape ball using the inspirational stick tape that every player will receive. Share photos of your team tape ball on our website and we'll reward the biggest team tape ball across Canada (measured by the diameter from the centre of the tape ball) with a $10,000 prize, $5,000 of which gets awarded to your team for hockey expenses and $5,000 to your team minor hockey association. For the rules and regulations of the contest, please visit

8)      Can I order another kit if we run out of the materials?

a.       Unfortunately not. For the first year of the program, Chevrolet is keeping orders to one kit per Peewee team. 

9)      What happened to the Chevrolet Safe and Fun hockey program?

a.       The Chevrolet Safe & Fun Hockey Program has come to a close. We would like to thank all of our partners, volunteers and participants who played a role in making this program a great success. Our new Power of Play hockey program is replacing the Safe & Fun program.

10)  Can anyone order the team kit?

a.       Ideally, the Peewee coach should order the team kit as each order gets verified by Hockey Canada to ensure the team operates under their umbrella.   However,  someone other than the coach can input the registration on behalf of the coach as long as the application contains the information for the team’s registered coach.


11)  How long does it take for the kit to arrive after I order it?

a.       It takes up to 48 hours to verify that you're a Peewee coach under Hockey Canada and an additional 7-10 business days for your kit to arrive at the address you provided. 

12)  What if I coach two teams?

a.       If you're a coach of two teams, you'll be able to order for each as long as both teams are registered in the Peewee age group for Hockey Canada. 

13)  How can I get in touch with the program coordinators?

a.       Please reach out to us at [email protected]



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