Lambton AAA Team of the Year - Minor Atom - Coached by Brad Dury Coach of the Year - Alex McFadden Pictured with President Mike Kelly Minor Atom MVP - Casey Schouten Pictured with Coach Brad Drury & President Mike Kelly Major Atom MVP - Jace Grail Pictured with Coach Cory Pageau & President Mike Kelly Minor Peewee MVP - Quinton Johnson Pictured with Assistant Coach Chris Knowles & President Mike Kelly Major Peewee MVP - Jett Morningstar Pictured with Coach Jason Polera & President Mike Kelly Minor Bantam MVP - Blake Bulter Pictured with Coach Alex McFadden & President Mike Kelly Minor Midget MVP - Joey Ferrera Pictured with Coach Jordan Pennesi & President Mike Kelly Major Midget MVP - Max Geoffrion Pictured with Assistant Coach Glen LaCoeur & President Mike Kelly Builder of the Year - Darryl Moore Pictured with President Mike Kelly Volunteer of the Year - Caroline Vallee Pictured with President Mike Kelly