Feb 13, 2017 | Laurie Grant | 1345 views
Major Peewee Moms Show Their Team Spirit!
As the Major Peewees entered into their next round of playoffs against the London
Knight's some of the team's Hockey Moms thought they would show their team spirit by
wearing their sons home jersey to the 1st game.
Some of the boys
were reluctant to give up their jersey to their Mom, while others flat
our refused! (Some Moms were reluctant to put on their sons jersey due
to the high content of "Hockey Smell"!
While the team Spirit did not show on the scoreboard at the end of the 1st game they can not help but think that maybe, just maybe, the Moms brought a little bit of good luck to those Home Jerseys going into game 2. (Na, those boys worked hard and played as a team). The scoreboard reflected that!
Thank you to our sons who co-operated, to the Moms who were able to be there and put on that smelly jersey, and thank you to Jason Hoover for being behind the camera! It is good to have a little bit of fun!!