Lambton AAA Major Atom Team - Silver Stick Finalists!!, News (Lambton Jr. Sting AAA Hockey )


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Jan 17, 2018 | CVallee | 1543 views
Lambton AAA Major Atom Team - Silver Stick Finalists!!
Congratulations to the Lambton AAA Major Atom team for their strong finish in the Sarnia International Silver Stick Finals held recently.

The team worked their way to the finals with a 4-1-0 record and earned silver medals in a 4-0 loss to Chicago Mission, tournament champs.


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Chynna DaSilva - EXP Realty
519 St. Clair St. Point Edward ON N7V1P2 519-330-2055
Dupuis Farm Drainage
5706 Petrolia Line 519 844 2480
Toolrite Engineering
1130 Vanier Road 519-330-1363
D&S Service Centre Ltd
810 Confederation St, Sarnia, ON N7T 2E3 (519) 337-3666