Jun 11, 2018 | Dawn Riley | 1489 views
Alumni Revisited - Travis Moore
**Photo courtesy of Dawn Riley
Name: Travis Moore
Current/Last team played for: Wallaceburg Lakers 2017-2018 PJHL
Years Played in Lambton (eg: 2008-2012): 2009-2015
1. What was your favourite minor hockey memory?
Getting my first jersey with my name on it
2. Greatest accomplishment in Jr Hockey? Making the Legionnaires
3. When you played for Lambton, who was your favourite Sting player? Alex Glachenyuk
4. What one thing did you learn in Minor hockey that helped you get to the next level? Work hard when nobody is watching and have fun every time you’re with the guys, it goes by way to fast
5. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? Being an electrician
To view Travis' stats please visit the Lambton AAA website under the Alumni Tab
Thank you to Travis for participating in Alumni revisited.