Mar 29, 2019 | Dawn Riley | 2236 views
Lambton AAA Year end Banquet
Last night the year end banquet was held at the Dante Club, and the annual awards were handed out.
Congrats to all Teams this year, we had a really good season.
Listed below are the award winners.
Congratulations to all!!
Minor Atom MVP - Matthew Henderson
Major Atom MVP - George Bracewell
Minor Peewee MVP - Ethen Fines
Major Peewee MVP - Josh Glavin
Minor Bantam MVP - to be announced at a later date
Major Bantam MVP - Dylan Dupuis
Minor Midget MVP - Carson Peer
Major Midget MVP - Ben Diamond
Team of The Year - Minor Bantam 2005s
Coach of The Year - Tom Babcock
Volunteer of The Year - Dawn Riley