Nov 17, 2019 | Dawn Riley | 764 views
Arena Advisory Committee Requests your attendance!
On November 18, 2019 @ 4:00 pm @ City Hall, The Sarnia Arena Committee is requesting your attendance at the Sarnia City Council meeting in support of the Arena Advisory Committee presentation to council in support of increased capital funding for our arenas, in line with the 2015 Arena Management Study (AMS) that the city agreed to adopt.
Per the study, the city has fallen short of their financial commitment of the required $1M per yr. for 10 years, for the needed $10M investment over 10 years….no frills here, this is just to bring the facilities to a “good” operating level and maintain them at that level.
The core Arena user groups need to be aware of what lies ahead if the city doesn’t make the required investment which will eventually include equipmentand major infrastructure failures that could take a rink out of commission during critical demand use.
Their attendance at the meeting helps Council to recognize that this is important to the community.
Thank you for passing this along and supporting the cause for improved facilities.
I will communicate the specific presentation time once the clerk’s office confirms.
Dale Kerslake
Sarnia Arena Advisory Committee Chair