Jun 17, 2020 | Dawn Riley | 958 views
2019-2020 Major Atom MVP Dante D'Andrea
My pick for the 2019-2020 Major Atom (2009s) MVP award is Dante D'Andrea
Dante is of those players who always brings smile to a coaches faces. He is amazing kid who always brings his absolute best effort on and off the ice.
Dante has arguably the hardest shot for his age group and that is because of the time and effort that he puts in at home shooting pucks. His development on the back end continued throughout the year. He will also be in communication with his coaches to make sure he understands what his expected of him. He became a very reliable defender in his own end and was someone who could defend a late lead. Dante will push his teammates but will never ask them to do something if he isn’t willing to do it himself. Dante is a pleasure to coach; I enjoy the passion that he has for the game and for his teammates. I look forward to seeing where his game goes in the upcoming years.
Chris Edwards
Congrats Dante!!
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