Feb. 12th Update – Message from the Board, News (Lambton Jr. Sting AAA Hockey )


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Feb 13, 2021 | Dawn Riley | 1956 views
Feb. 12th Update – Message from the Board
With the provincial announcement today of Lambton going to the Covid 19
Orange zone next week, we wanted to give another hockey update for
all the LJS AAA families.  

In addition to the provincial announcement, we have been notified by the City of Sarnia that the arena would be
available on March 1st. The plan going forward for Session 3 is as follows:


·Session 3A – March 1st to March 31st – this session will be the same as the first 2 sessions
in terms of practices and player development.

·Session 3B – April 1st to May 31st – this session will also resemble the previous 2.
Alliance Hockey and OHF have given teams the option of an extended season.


In addition to this plan, please note the following:


.This plan is based on Lambton being in the orange zone or below. Any change to a
higher colour will result in a change of this plan.

·While we are doing our best to have the upcoming session resemble the first 2 sessions,
we cannot guarantee the same amount of ice time or the same dates/times.

·Fees will be collected monthly and pricing will be based on how much ice time we receive.


Eligibility for Session 3A is only open for players who participated in Session 2 for LJS. Session
3B eligibility will be determined at a later date. Please inquire if you have any eligibility questions.

The LJS Executive Board of the Chair would like to thank everyone for their patience and we look
forward to seeing the kids back on the ice in March.


Please continue to check the website for updates.


LJS Executive

Sunrise Steel
345 Queen Street 5194916060
Vstrides Hockey
367 Gem Ave Petrolia 5193815682
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Roelands Plant Farms Inc.
5894 Douglas Line, Lambton Shores ON N0N 1J5 5193309283
Lambton Alloys
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