May 10, 2021 | Dawn Riley | 1057 views
Thank You
With our season coming to an end we wanted to take this opportunity to Thank all those for helping us get through this very trying season.
First and foremost, THANK YOU to all our parents that were so incredibly patient with the association this year. There were many last minute changes, juggling of schedules, some parents having to drive from out of town only to have to wait outside... we see you and we appreciate you!
Thank you to all our sponsors that gave to our players. Without you, Minor hockey would not succeed. This year was incredibly tough on all businesses, and still... you reached into your pockets and supported without question so these Boys could come to the rink. We are grateful for your generosity.
Thank you to all our Coaches, managers and trainers. We know how difficult this season was for you to try to achieve anything. This season was basically a skills session, which still requires much planning. We Thank you for the time and effort you put into helping our players.
We want to thank the PASA arena staff for working so hard to keep everyone safe, we know how difficult it was, especially at the beginning with different rules and daily changes. You were all very professional and worked us through the transition smoothly.
Thank you to our local Refs that came to help with the inner squad games, as always we appreciate you.
To all our board members/volunteers , thank you for helping this year run smoothly. It takes a village....
And most of all.. we want to Thank all our players. Thank you for being so patient this year. We know this season was tough on you all not being able to come to the rink, but you battled through #ADVERSITY, and all showed up with smiles on your faces like usual. Keep training hard this summer and we will see you all at tryouts.
They say all great changes are preceded by chaos. This season was our chaos... lets move forward with Greatness.
Stay Safe and Be kind