Mar 04, 2012 | DBarnes | 879 views
Sting attack like bees on honey !
The Sting continued their playoff roll with a well earned 3-1 win against the Windsor Spitfires in Windsor Sunday. The Jr. Sting came out of the gates flying with a picture perfect goal from Alec Dekoning , with tic tac toe passing from Isaac McLean and Brock Perry . The play was also helped from a great outlet pass from Franco Sproviero.
. The Spits and the Sting would then trade power play goals to end the period with the score 2-1 Sting . Scoring for the Sting was Isaac Mclean picking up a nice rebound from Sproviero , with the second helper coming from Jarett Marks. The high tempo game would continue down to the final seconds until Sprovier iced things with a heads up empty net goal .The Lambton Squad can clinch the round robin with a win against the London Knights thursday at the RBC Center ,