Apr 14, 2016 | Kevin Fines | 1772 views
Saturday April 16th Rosters
Here are our two rosters for the two games this Saturday April 16thRoster 1: 12pm Game vs. Chatham/Kent at Sarnia Arena
G- Kaia Pierce
G- Blake Verberne
Colin Bracewell
Cameron Davidson
Aidan Dougan
Roen Fisher
Carter Fogarty
Owen Knight
Luke Laevens
Cohnlan Lucas
Michael MacKellar
Jack Nesbitt
Alex Patrinos
Mason Pomoransky
Lucas Rogers
Jack Rombouts
Caleb Rosseel
Roster 2: 6pm vs. Chatham/Kent at Blenheim Arena
G- Carter Bell
G- Ryder Stokes
Colin Bracewell
Adam Broad
Carson Crawford
Cameron Davidson
Ethen Fines
Roen Fisher
Cameron Humphrey
Owen Knight
Connor Kominek
Luke Laevens
Jason Lajeunesse Jr.
Cohnlan Lucas
Michael MacKellar
Cole Pranger
Jacob Tavares
Please click the below links for the arena addresses:
Sarnia Arena
Blenheim Arena
Please have all the boys at the arena 1 hour before game time. We will be doing a team warm up 45 minutes before the game in dry-land gear.
Good luck to all the boys!!! Go Sting Go!!!
Coach Kevin