Sep 22, 2023 | Andrew Beasley | 166 views
Support youth Hockey and The Haven youth shelter!
Dinner is served! On October 26th help support our Lambton Junior Sting U10 team by ordering this delicious meal provided by The Dante Club. Also, support The Haven by buying a meal for a resident there too!
Want to:
1) Help out 9-year olds with their hockey dreams? OR
2) Buy a meal for a resident at "The Haven" youth shelter in Sarnia?
Make sure to pre-order your meals! If you're visiting our site you can pre-order from [email protected] or any of the player's parents. Meals are ordered for pickup in 1/2 hour windows.
Choose which time slot works best for you:
4-4:30PM OR 4:30-5PM OR 5-5:30PM OR 5:30-6PM OR 6-6:30PM