Mar 15, 2009 | Major Atom | 923 views
Jr. Sting Win Series vs. Brantford
After failing in their chances to clinch the series at home the Jr Sting Atoms quickly made plans for a team bonding bus trip to Brantford on Saturday to battle the 99er's in game 5 of the playoff series. Both teams came prepared and the game was a fast paced and intense match which saw the Sting boys battle through the adversity of the road game as well as some suspect refereeing to come out victorious with a final score of 3-1.
Neither squad would tally in the first period and it would soon be obvious that the visiting team would have to overcome more than just the 99er's to secure the win. With a never-ending parade to the Sting penalty box (Sting -24 minutes, Brantford-6 minutes) the team would keep it's cool, bury two short-handed and one power-play goal and get stellar goaltending from Kaden Fulcher to make for a celebratory bus trip home. Scoring for Lambton were Colin Leyton, Jake Burnard and Brock Perry, all with singles. Assisting on the goals were Franco Sproviero with two and a single to Isaac McLean.